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Terms of Use

MARUI & Co.,LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") strives to provide a website that is simple, easy to read, and offers easy access to necessary information so as many people as possible can enjoy viewing the site.
This website is authenticated by GlobalSign. Pages using SSL protect information transmission via encryption.

About this website

This website is operated by MARUI & CO., LTD (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “our” or “us”). We ask that all users of this website agree in advance to the terms and conditions explained below. By accessing and using this website, you are deemed to have agreed to this site policy.

Copyrights and Other Rights

The copyrights and other rights of the contents (text, drawings, photographs, various data, etc.) posted on this site belong to us and the information providers.
These contents (text, drawings, photographs, data, etc.) are protected by copyrights under the copyright laws of Japan, treaties, and the copyright laws of other countries, and may not be used beyond the scope of personal use. Any modification, reproduction,
rental, lease, loan, sale, publication, transmission, broadcast, or any other use by a third party without the permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited.
However, if individual conditions of use are attached to individual works, those conditions shall take precedence.

Handling of Personal Information

We will handle and manage personal information appropriately in accordance with our privacy policy.


This website uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer), the most reliable encryption technology currently available on the Internet, for the transmission of personal information and other data requiring protection.
Personal information transmitted is encrypted so that it cannot be read by third parties, allowing you to use our website safely.
Please note that if the SSL setting of your browser is not enabled or if you use a browser that does not support SSL, you may not be able to view the relevant pages or enter information.

Collection of Access Log

We utilizes access logs of customers to this site (such as the customer's domain and IP address, access date and time, pages visited, and browser used) for site management, analysis of access conditions, and other purposes. Please note that we do not use this information to collect personally identifiable information.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are data files that a website sends to your computer so that the website can read them when you visit again.
This website may use the cookie mechanism on some pages to save you the trouble of entering information each time you visit, or to collect information such as historical information on pages you have visited.
Cookies do not provide us with any personal information about you. You can disable "Cookies" by changing the settings on your browser, but if you do so, you may not be able to use some of the features or services on this site.

Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics to analyze access to this website to understand and analyze user access conditions.
Google Analytics uses cookies to collect access logs that do not contain personally identifiable information.
The method of collecting and using access logs is stipulated in the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy.

Recommended environment

The following browsers are recommended for comfortable viewing and use of this website.
Please note that the latest browsers and plug-in software may be required to view some content.
Web Browser Google Chrome latest version
Microsoft Edge latest version
Firefox latest version
Safari latest version
JavaScript To enable
Internet connection 56 kbps or faster, broadband environment recommended


When posting information on this site, we pay close attention to it and prepare it based on information that is considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or certainty of the information because the information posted on this site is information at the time of posting and may change over time.
In the unlikely event that you suffer any damage as a result of the information on this site, we assume no responsibility whatsoever for such damage.
Please note that the content of this site is subject to change or discontinuation without notice.


1. Links to this site

If you wish to link to this site, please contact us from the Contact Us page with the following information. We will reply to you only if we have your permission to link to this Web site.
In principle, the only URL that can be linked to this website is "https://www.marui-group.co.jp/". Links to other pages (intra-site links) are not permitted unless there is sufficient reason to grant permission.

2. Contents of Third Party Sites Linked to This Site

The content of third-party sites linked to or from this site is the responsibility of each site and is not under our responsibility or control.
Permission to use a link to this site does not imply our endorsement or support of that site, nor does it imply that we endorse or accept any responsibility for that site or its contents.

3. When refusing to accept a link

The following types of links, or links that may lead to such links, are not permitted.
  • Links from sites that slander or defame us or our affiliated companies, officers or employees, or that interfere with our business
  • Links from sites with antisocial content (adult content, etc.)
  • Links from sites that do not comply with intellectual property rights (e.g., sites that include unauthorized images, characters, sound files, etc., or content that encourages illegal copying of software)
  • Links that may cause the misunderstanding of an affiliation or cooperative relationship with us, or links that may cause the misunderstanding that we recognize or support the site from which the link originates.
  • Links from sites that contain content that we deems problematic.

4. Discontinuation of Links

If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to comply with the terms of use presented by us, please stop linking immediately.

5. When requesting to delete Links

We may request the deletion of the above links or links that we deem inappropriate, even if we have already approved them.


This site or its contents may be changed, deleted, suspended, or discontinued without prior notice. Please note that any information on this site may not always reflect the latest information.
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Contact us

#Request a Quotation #Inquire about
Product Specifications
#Arrange a Meeting
Whether you have specific challenges or are still in the conceptual stage, please feel free to contact us.
Our experienced sales team will be happy to discuss your requirements.
We can also help you design and manufacture custom products.
We can also manufacture your own test equipment, so please do not hesitate to consult with us.